
Manuka Honey

manuka honey arthritis

Help Relieve Arthritis Pain with Manuka Honey

Looking to relieve arthritis pain? Manuka honey might help. There’s No Arthritis Cure Though there are many claimed arthritis cures, the unfortunate reality is that there is no known cure for arthritis. Arthritis is a condition that must be managed by attempting to alleviate the symptoms, and trying to improve joint function through therapy and,

Help Relieve Arthritis Pain with Manuka Honey Read More »

manuka honey eczema

Manuka Honey For Eczema: Safe and Effective Natural Remedy

Itching to find a natural remedy for eczema? Manuka honey might be just the thing. Eczema is a VERY Unpleasant Condition As those who suffer from eczema know all too well. Eczema (also called dermatitis) is a chronic inflammation of the skin caused by the body’s own immune system. Red, itching, inflamed patches of skin

Manuka Honey For Eczema: Safe and Effective Natural Remedy Read More »


Medihoney Helps Deliver the Amazing Medical Benefits of Honey

Medihoney is the first FDA approved, pre-packaged method of utilizing the medicinal properties of honey. And it’s rapidly compiling an impressive record of success, demonstrating the feasibility of honey as medicine. Are You a Skeptic? Are you a bit skeptical about the concept of medical honey? If you are, it’s certainly understandable. Because at first

Medihoney Helps Deliver the Amazing Medical Benefits of Honey Read More »